Takeoff Patterns

Beyond Retirement

Maximize enjoyment of the senior role….Takeoff Patterns™ Program


An alternative to traditional succession plans which focus on retirement, the Takeoff Patterns™ approach enables the senior leader to focus on what’s next…and get the freedom to enjoy it. Enables him or her to simplify and manage complexity, focusing on creative and rejuvenating activities, expand horizons and create new roles.



  • Confidential personal assessment, guided exploration and goal setting process.
  • Plans and tools for building teams that enable freedom for new interests, delegation of worry, pursuit of adventure and greater satisfaction.

What clients tell us:

Helped our board and senior leaders keep a sharp focus on the needs of the business, and at same time kept an essential level of sensitive awareness and patience in the process. Not an easy transition for the family at the time, but all of us are pleased with the results produced by our first non-family CEO.”